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Palm kernel oil press, small palm oil extraction machine for sale

Palm kernel oil is a highly sought-after product in the edible oil industry, with its versatility and high profitability making it a popular choice for many businesses. The palm kernel oil press is designed to extract oil from a variety of raw materials, including palm kernel, peanut, soybean, rapeseed, cotton seeds, sesame, olive, sunflower, coconuts, and cocoa. This makes it a versatile tool that can be used to extract oil from a range of sources, allowing businesses to expand their product range and increase their profitability.

Palm kernel oil press

The palm kernel oil press is a machine that is specifically designed to extract oil from palm kernel seeds. It has several features that make it an ideal tool for businesses looking to produce high-quality palm kernel oil.

Here are some of the key features of the palm kernel oil press:

Versatility: The palm kernel oil press can be used to extract oil from a range of raw materials, including palm kernel, peanut, soybean, rapeseed, cotton seeds, sesame, olive, sunflower, coconuts, and cocoa. This makes it a versatile tool that can be used to extract oil from a variety of sources, helping businesses to expand their product range and increase their profitability.

High oil output: The screw palm kernel oil press is particularly suitable for small-scale palm kernel oil production businesses, as it has a relatively high oil output compared to other oil press machines. This means that businesses can produce a greater volume of oil with fewer seeds, reducing costs and increasing profitability.

Ease of use: The palm kernel oil press is designed to be easy to operate and maintain, making it a practical choice for businesses of all sizes. The machine is equipped with user-friendly controls that allow operators to adjust the pressing temperature and pressure as needed, ensuring consistent and high-quality oil output.

High efficiency: The palm kernel oil press is designed to maximize overall pressing efficiency, ensuring that businesses can extract the maximum amount of oil from their raw materials. The machine is equipped with advanced technology that allows it to extract oil quickly and efficiently, reducing processing time and increasing productivity.

Affordable: The palm kernel oil press is an affordable option for businesses looking to enter the palm kernel oil market. Compared to other oil press machines, it has a relatively low cost, making it an ideal choice for small-scale businesses and start-ups.

Palm oil extraction machine

Palm kernel oil is a highly profitable product. The oil content of palm kernel is about 40 – 50%. In many Africa countries, palm fruit is widely used to extract palm oil. Palm kernel oil is derived from the kernel of palm fruit. The palm kernel is the inner seed obtained from the palm fruit. The palm kernel oil is mainly derived and recovered from the innermost kernel of the oil palm fruit by pressing technology.

If your raw material is palm nut, you need palm nut separator machine to separate palm kernel and shell, so that you get palm kernel. then palm kernel can be sent to palm kernel oil press machine to get palm kernel oil. The palm kernel seeds are hard, tough and very intact. The palm kernels are steam conditioned for expeller process. The final output is the clear palm kernel oil. There are diverse applications for the usage pattern of the palm kernel oil. It is not restricted just for edible food purposes. But the oil can also be utilized for various range of industries. We manufacture and offer the best palm kernel oil press machines in the China.

Our oil press are being used in multiple palm growing countries, where it is helping small-scale businesses to enter the market and increase their profitability. At our company, we offer a range of palm kernel oil press machines and turnkey projects for PKO extraction mill and refining plant. Our machines are designed to meet the specific needs of our clients, ensuring that they can produce high-quality palm kernel oil in a cost-effective and efficient manner. For more information on our palm kernel oil press machines and turnkey projects, please contact us for more details and the latest prices.