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The Benefits of Roasting Peanuts for Extracting Peanut Oil

Peanut oil is a popular cooking oil that is extracted from peanuts through a squeezing process. When it comes to squeezing peanut oil, the traditional and widely practiced method is to extract oil from roasted peanuts rather than raw peanuts.

Extracting Peanut Oil

Roasting the peanuts before extraction offers several advantages:

Enhanced Flavor: Roasting brings out the natural oils in peanuts, resulting in a more delicious and aromatic oil. The process adds richness to the flavor profile, making it more enticing for culinary applications. Additionally, roasting helps eliminate any impurities or microorganisms, ensuring the quality and safety of the extracted peanut oil.

Easier Extraction: The heat applied during roasting alters the structure of the peanuts, breaking down the cell walls. This structural change facilitates the release of oil during the squeezing process. As a result, more oil can be extracted from the roasted peanuts compared to raw peanuts, maximizing the yield and efficiency of the extraction process.

Extended Shelf Life: Another advantage of roasting peanuts before extraction is the extended shelf life of the resulting oil. Roasted peanuts have a longer shelf life compared to raw peanuts. The roasting process reduces the moisture content in the peanuts, inhibiting the growth of microbes that can spoil the oil. This increased stability allows roasted peanut oil to be stored for longer periods without compromising its quality, making it ideal for both commercial and home use.

Reduced Bitterness: Roasting peanuts effectively reduces the bitterness often associated with raw peanuts. Bitterness can negatively impact the overall flavor of the oil. By subjecting the peanuts to the roasting process, the bitter compounds are diminished, resulting in a milder and more pleasant flavor profile. This is especially beneficial for individuals who are sensitive to bitter tastes or those seeking a more delicate flavor in their culinary preparations.

Importance of Peanut Quality:

It is important to emphasize that the quality of roasted peanuts used in the extraction process is crucial. Opting for high-quality peanuts that are clean and free of any off-putting odors is essential to ensure the resulting peanut oil’s quality and taste. By selecting the right frying ingredients, one can guarantee a superior end product that satisfies both taste and safety requirements.

Commercial peanut oil extraction method

The method widely utilized in the production of commercial or industrial peanut oil is mechanical pressing. This method involves the use of the peanut oil press as the core equipment in the production line. The mechanical oil pressing method leverages the power generated from the gradual reduction of the volume between the squeezed screw and the pressing chamber, as well as the power generated by the friction between the material and the machine to extrude the oil inside pretreated peanut. This method adopts purely physical squeezing oil producing technology to make oil by the process of material election, roasting, physical pressing, and filtering.

Peanut oil press

Our complete set of oil press machine guarantees high quality, low price, and high oil yield. If you are interested, please contact us, and our technical engineers and sales staff will provide you with the most suitable oil production plan according to your budget and requirements in a professional manner.